There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God... Psalm 46:4 (KJV)
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Youth Pastor, Rev. James Carrier alongside wife Amy
Pastor James' responsibilities include planning for and overseeing all youth recreational activities and youth worship services. He along with his wife, Sister Amy, serve as Executive Directors of the Barbourville Pentecostal Youth Camp.
Children's Pastor Johnny Walls and wife Sheila
Oversee our children ministries. They provide planning and oversight for all spiritual and recreational activities for our children ages 10 and under. From Children's Church on Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Nights, trips, at least three major children parties, and much more, they plant Christ in the hearts and minds of our children.
Minister Of Music
Rev. Jason Coulter
The worship experience of the Green River Pentecostal is led, by our dynamic Minister of Music, Brother Jason Coulter. Brother Jason Coulter came to know the Lord Jesus Christ, as his personal savior, in 1996 at GRPC. It was there that he married his wife, Sister Heather Coulter. While being heavily involved in the music ministry, he accepted his call and was ordained into the ministry. Since that time, he has been a minister of music, a youth pastor, a senior pastor, and was until mid June 2015, the Minister of Music at Grace Fellowship Church. Brother Jason's return to GRPC, is simply one of our own, returing home. Brother Jason is married to Sister Heather Wilcher Coulter and is a father to his three children, Spencer, Gentry, and Jaden. We invite you to come and experience the atmosphere of worship led by Brother Jason Coulter.
| Mission's Director
Jeremy Todd
Brother Jeremy Todd, oversees both Home Missions, as well as our Foreign Missions ministries.
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